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Strange laws around the world


Around the world there are some strange laws, some that are very difficult to enforce and some that are old and never been changed.  What strange laws have you broken?

  1. In Singapore, it’s illegal to urinate in an elevator.
  2. In the city of Quitman, Georgia, USA, you can’t tie your giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.
  3. In the town of Chico, California, it’s illegal to plant rutabagas on city streets.
  4. In Australia, you must have a licensed electrician present if you want to change a light bulb.
  5. In the city of Carmel, California, wearing high heels without a permit is prohibited.
  6. In Japan, it’s illegal to be overweight. The government has set maximum waistline measurements for citizens aged 40 and older.
  7. In Thailand, it’s illegal to step on any currency, as it carries an image of the king.
  8. In the city of Eboli, Italy, it’s illegal to kiss in a moving vehicle.
  9. In the United Arab Emirates, it’s illegal to use foul language on social media.
  10. In Sweden, it’s illegal to repaint your house without a government permit.
  11. In Switzerland, it’s illegal to own just one guinea pig because they are prone to loneliness.
  12. In Thailand, it’s illegal to leave your house if you’re not wearing underwear.
  13. In the city of Victoria, Canada, it’s illegal to tie a horse to a parking meter.
  14. In Alabama, it’s illegal to wear a fake mustache in a church that causes laughter.
  15. In Singapore, selling chewing gum is prohibited.
  16. In the UK, it’s illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances.
  17. In Samoa, it’s illegal to forget your wife’s birthday.
  18. In the city of San Francisco, you cannot walk an elephant down Market Street unless it’s on a leash. 

Remember that these rules and laws can sometimes be rarely enforced or have peculiar origins. Always check the current local regulations when traveling to avoid any unexpected legal issues.

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